First Step

Sometimes there are situations or life events when you may feel you need to find a new home for your rabbit. If the reason is bunny’s behavior or health or even other circumstances, please contact HRS or a nearby shelter or rabbit rescue to see if we can help you with advice.

Adopted from HRS

If you still need to find a new home and you adopted your rabbit from House Rabbit Society, the adoption agreement you signed requires that the bunny be returned to HRS if you cannot keep them. The same is true for most rescue group adoptions. Visit HRS San Francisco Bay Area Rehome for more information. Know that it may take some weeks for a space to become ready.

Not From HRS

If your rabbit is not adopted from House Rabbit Society, we can post photos and a bio of the rabbit to our social media including the HRS Facebook page to help spread the word that bunny needs a home. Fill out our Rehoming Assistance Form.

Home to Home Website

House Rabbit Society hosts a Home to Home website where you can list your rabbit as looking for a new home. Visit ​​Home to Home to share information about your rabbit.

Additional Hints

For tried and true hints on how to advertise, screen a potential adopter and other information, scroll through the Rehome page on the HRS San Francisco Bay Area website.

Can you find a fosterer?

Sometimes giving your rabbit up is not the only option. You may want to try to find a temporary home until your situation changes. There are people who cannot have permanent pets who may be interested in caring for a pet in the short-run.

If all else fails...

If all else fails and you are not able to find a new home for your rabbit, then please take your rabbit to a shelter. The people at shelters care very much for the animals and will do their best. It’s not an ideal solution but it’s better than the alternative of not finding a home for your rabbit at all. We encourage you to not leave your rabbit at your former location alone or in the wild.

Most Important: Never release a rabbit outside

Pet rabbits aren’t able to survive outdoors and are easy targets for predators. They’re also at risk of being hit by cars and contracting RHDV2, which spreads easily to rabbits outside, and other diseases. In spite of there being plants outdoors, starving to death is also common.

Even if you see a colony of dumped rabbits in an area, that is not good. They are living a difficult, desperate life. Abandoned unspayed and unneutered rabbits can have babies within a month, continually multiplying the number of rabbits in a desperate situation.

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