Classes For All Rabbit Owners

HRS offers both free and by-donation online classes about rabbit health, care, and more. Whether you are looking to adopt your first rabbit or if you need extra support, we have the class for you. Online classes make learning about rabbit care easy.

Rabbit Care 101

Covers all your bunny basics. This class is mandatory for anyone looking to adopt from HRS. Topics covered included housing, diet, medical, advice and more!

Introducing Rabbits

Covers all the basics of introducing your rabbit to a new rabbit. This class is mandatory for anyone looking to find their rabbit a friend through HRS.

Bonding Support

This is a one-on-one supervised Zoom date perfect for those needing extra support on the bonding journey. We can advise on a date in progress and offer tailored advice.

Rabbit Behavior

Covers rabbit rabbit behavior, communication and techniques for strengthening the human-rabbit bond. This class is perfect for those just starting their rabbit journey.

Pet Loss Support

Grieving the loss of a beloved pet can be difficult but it doesn’t have to be done alone. Join us in celebrating the life of your pet, your bond, and the journey you took together.

Partner Services

Bunny-centric Education with Hoolibuns

Looking to dive in deeper on rabbit behavior, bonding and wellness? Check out the classes hosted by Hoolibuns led by HRS Educator Shannon Ryan.