• Rabbits generally live 8 to 12 years.
  • A rabbit’s teeth never stop growing, so they need fibrous foods to help wear them down.
  • Signs of illness include loud tooth grinding (indicates pain), little to no pooping or diarrhea, loss of appetite or lethargy, or loss of balance or mobility. Any significant behavior change or strange body change is cause for concern and a rabbit-savvy veterinarian should be consulted as soon as possible.
  • Rabbits need to be vaccinated against Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus Type-2 (RHDV2) annually.
  • Be sure to find a rabbit-savvy veterinarian and have an emergency plan.
  • Rabbits should be spayed or neutered. It helps reduce disease and bad behaviors like aggression and poor litter box habits. It also prevents uterine cancer in female rabbits.
  • Check your rabbit’s fur regularly for fleas and ear mites.
  • Rabbits should have at least 2-4 hours of playtime outside of their pen.
  • Rabbits eat hay and poop constantly! If your rabbit hasn’t eaten or pooped in 12 hours, it’s an emergency.

Pro Tip

House Rabbit Society recommends a rabbit see a rabbit-savvy veterinarian once a year,
and twice a year or more for senior rabbits (6 years+).

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